Does Drinking Enough Water Keep Your Skin Healthy?

Given that your body and your skin both have quite a bit of water in their makeup, it’s no surprise that keeping your body (and skin) hydrated can improve it. Now this is a longer term solution, it’s not something that can change within a short period (like a week). For most of these benefits, you’ll need to actually drink more water over time.

However, there are several skin specific benefits to staying hydrated on the regular!

Adequate Hydration Slows the Aging Process

If you’re constantly dehydrated, your skin will become dry, dull, and lose elasticity. All of those can make your skin appear older. So if you keep yourself (and your skin) hydrated, those aging factors will be slowed down.

Skin’s Appearance is Improved

This somewhat ties into the first option. Slowing the aging process improves the appearance of skin. Another way is that it reduces inflammations of rosacea and eczema. When hydrated, your skin also tends to have a natural glow to it as well.

Prevents Over-production of Oils in the Skin

Dehydration can cause overproduction of oils in the skin which can in turn cause breakouts and acne. Making sure you’re drinking enough water can help calm down oil production overall, slowly improving breakouts.

Reducing Puffiness

Puffiness in the skin is often related to retaining water. Your body tends to flush the excess moisture (or not have it at all) if you drink enough water. This can help with eye puffiness (not when caused by crying) and overall puffiness in the face.

And Don’t Forget to Moisturize!

The most important thing though, is to use proper skin care! Drinking water is no replacement for skincare unique to you. Check out this post if you need help building a skincare routine!

While drinking water isn’t the only thing you should take into account if you’re trying to keep your skin healthy, it can really help! What tips do you have that help you drink more water?

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